Wednesday, November 11, 2009

How to remove hair on woman's back?

I am a 13 year old girl and am in band. I have a band concert tonight and for these concerts, we get REALLY dressed up. Like prom or whatever. Anyways, My dress is strapless, and shows my back a lot.And I have to wear my hair up. So I need a solution. It's not Like really hairy, just where you can see a little fuzz. So I need something fast, but won't cause irritation. Thanks a bunches!!!


Siara Nicole

How to remove hair on woman's back?

Wax It!!!!!!!

How to remove hair on woman's back?

id say wax it but since your concert is tonight it will be all red and irritated with no time to youre pretty much left with shaving it...maybe your mom can do it for you...use shaving cream so it doesnt cause irritation and put some lotion on it after youre done

How to remove hair on woman's back?

get your mum/sister/close friend to shave it for you.

in future go to a salon in advance so there isn't a rush!!

How to remove hair on woman's back?

wax it or use nair

How to remove hair on woman's back?


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