I dont like my curls. My curls are frizzy and kind of tight. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how i can get long loose curls in the links ill post after im done. I dont wanna have to straighten it and then curl it with a iron thats too damaging!. And when i use velcro rollers when im done straigtening
my hair it dosent seem to work too well :/
Im not sure if i it would be a good idea to go over my curls with a curling iron or hot curlers, If that would work? or would it just come out looking weird?
I hope the links work
Ive always had long thick curly hair, and ive always straightend it. I like curly hair but...?
My suggestion would be to use a hair straightener to curl it. Start at the top of your head near your roots, and as you are making your way down, start to turn your straightener like you would a curling iron. It works great.
Ive always had long thick curly hair, and ive always straightend it. I like curly hair but...?
i have the exact same problem, my hair is really really curly, but can look frizzy.. i use ausies frizz ease conditioer, and it helps abit... then i get the straighteners (GHDs) and *go over it* so my hair isnt as curly or frizzy. it just looks like nice loose wavy curls, like in those pictures,, use the hair straighterner protecter, so it dosent damage your hair..
hope i helped ;D xx good look 閳?br>Ive always had long thick curly hair, and ive always straightend it. I like curly hair but...?
twist your hair and let it dry like this(all over your head)
when its still damp, moisturize it with a heat protectant and pull it down taught and use an ionic blow dryer on it, moving closely and slowly down the strand.
repeat all over your head.
lightly staighten frizzy uneven parts and your bangs, if you have any.
pin up the top curly-ish layer of your hair so that just the underneath part is exposed and straighten it on a low heat (btw- it doest have to be all straight, or perfectly straight, just from the root to about halfway down the strand)
rub a frizz serum through and you're done! I do this regimen every day and my hair is so healthy and not frizzy at all. good luck!
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