Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Does anyone have any ideas on how I can put up my hair to go to a dance?

Like I thought about put it up half way then the rest be down. And then curl the hair in the pony tail and then have a lil hair hangin down like by my eyes and curl it to. But i cant find a pic that is similar to that to look at and i want to see how its going to look first. Does anyone have a pic sorda like that? Or do you have any ideas on how else I can put it up. Its not a prom that im going to but its called a Katilian and its just like a mini dance thing! So please help me out on how to do my hair. My hair is shoulder length, straight, and brown. Its usually pretty easy to curl. So that should give you enough detail about it to help me out if you have any ideas! Well thanks to those that do help me out!

Does anyone have any ideas on how I can put up my hair to go to a dance?

It really depends on what kind of dance,... if it's like a homecoming you could go several ways, lots of people go with loose hair, curled or waved,... which can be really hot if done right! remember that if you leav it all down to put some accessories, like those rhinestones strands to make your hair shine!

you can also try getting the front of your hair, or the bangs pulled back to the middle of your head,... if you're going straight you should pull them back real smooth, and make sure you use a straightener to look nice and polished! either curly or extra-straight hair is fine, but you shouldn't leav it natural, u want to make it look different from the everyday...

you could do the same haistyle curly, but if this is your choice you should loosely pull back your bangs, it shouldn't be pulled back tightly or smoothly as it will make your curls look super huge,... if the bangs are nice and loose, held with bobby pins and hairspray your hair will look big in a sexy kind of way,... not a summer days humidity kind of way!!!

as always, use hairspray gel, etc, and be sure to buy some hair glitter uswed in wet hair for an extra touch!!!

Does anyone have any ideas on how I can put up my hair to go to a dance?

Check out the movie Eraser Head.... but do it pointy. die it white and call yourself Yogurt Head.

Does anyone have any ideas on how I can put up my hair to go to a dance?

The new thing is not really 1/2 up 1/2 down, but more like 10% up 90% down. Think Mischa Barton from the OC. If you want to be more fancy, loose curls are cute.

Does anyone have any ideas on how I can put up my hair to go to a dance?

put it back into a ponytail then using hair grips clip small strand up and use hair spray then back comb it it's a brill look and it'll go with anything you where.

Does anyone have any ideas on how I can put up my hair to go to a dance?

the first one is totally adorable and the second one is totally hott!! either one will work...they don't look that hard to do...


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Does anyone have any ideas on how I can put up my hair to go to a dance?

i would try the more sexy waves...like the victorias secret models in the fashion show

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