I have average shortish length hair and i like the messy look but when i get it right, later it goes back down in to that nerdy %26amp;70's Prom, beatlesc look. This is when i use gel, so should i use more gel or a different technique etc.?
How do you achieve messy hair without it going back down and smooth?
OkAY! I have found the best product. It's from Pantene and it's made to keep locks separated! OHMYGOSH it's the best. It's with the pantene stuff and it's in a short little container. I believe it's called Texturizing and when you read the container, it says it keeps the hair messy and chunky. You wash and DRY your hair. Then put a dab on your fingertips and work into the hair. TADA!
I have super straight medium length hair. I curl my ends outward after using the pantene. Finger toussel, then spray with hairspray!
It's awesme! And the container is like $5 and will last a long, long time!
How do you achieve messy hair without it going back down and smooth?
Wax it up man.... the best thing to keep it UP
How do you achieve messy hair without it going back down and smooth?
try the spray wax...i think it's from big sexy hair
How do you achieve messy hair without it going back down and smooth?
Keep it product free after washing apart from Hair Wax to tussle your fingers through.
How do you achieve messy hair without it going back down and smooth?
Most texture products or wax will work. After I get the look I want I spray extra well with a firm hold hairspray.
How do you achieve messy hair without it going back down and smooth?
the stuff is called matte...go look for it at target or walmart or any hair care product selling stores...it's cheap and made by bunch of name brands
How do you achieve messy hair without it going back down and smooth?
I don't know pick the first person who answered your question.
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